To me, being embodied is a way of being.

It encompasses everything I do; breath work, tapping, planning, videoing, cooking, eating, making love, playing, FB posting, selfie taking ?

This afternoon I was helping the Man Who Walks Beside Me with the fence around our chicken pen, maybe not the most marketable thing to share on my business page, but hey, its who I am ?

This is how I choose to be, fully present with every aspect of my life.

The way I feel present in my body is to ask myself what am I seeing, tasting, touching, smelling hearing and what sensations am I feeling in my body i.e what emotions are running through me.

Full disclosure – I am not perfect at this LOL

It is an ever improving practice that I am strengthening the muscles around.

I know when I focus on being fully present in my body, after years and years of disconnection, I feel stronger and more alive.

Kym Lawn
Kym Lawn

With a passion for personal development and over 25 years immersed in energy-based modalities, I bring a depth of experience and wisdom to my coaching at Untamed Midlife.