Kym Lawn 

Embark on a journey to your true essence. 

Discover a sanctuary where self-discovery and empowerment converge, where emotional resilience is forged in the depths of your being, and confidence blooms from within. 

The Grounded Woman invites you on a transformative path to unearth the richness of your sensuality and pleasure, reconnecting you with the profound joy and strength that lie at the heart of your existence. 

Begin the voyage to rediscover the empowered, resilient, and sensually awakened woman you're meant to be.

Retreat  LIVE ~ JOIN NOW!

Join Us on a Transformative Journey: The Grounded Woman Retreat Begins Soon!

Dive deep into the essence of womanhood, unlocking layers of empowerment, resilience, and sensuality that lie waiting within you.

Step into the circle of The Grounded Woman Retreat and awaken to your fullest potential. 

Across five days of exploration, connection, and renewal, discover the untapped strength and joy of your true self, surrounded by a community of women walking the same path of profound transformation

Explore Your Path to Empowerment:
Choose Your Ideal Way to Work with Me

The Grounded Woman Circle

AU $11 / month

A comprehensive membership program that combines the wisdom of the "Journey Through the Seasons Course" with the supportive dynamics of a community circle. Members delve into the Four Stages of Womanhood, each enriched with lessons, meditations, and reflective exercises.

This circle offers monthly themes, live Q&A sessions, and a library of resources, fostering a space where women can connect, grow, and empower each other on their journey to self-discovery and sensuality.

Group Coaching 
Tantra For Empaths

From AU $333

A unique group coaching program designed for empathetic women, focusing on the principles of Tantra. 

These sessions provide a nurturing environment for exploring sensuality and emotional depth, tailored to the empath's sensitivity and energy. 

Participants learn to harness their empathic traits positively, enhancing their intimate relationships and personal understanding. 

This program aims to cultivate emotional resilience, sensual empowerment, and a deep connection with oneself and others.

Sensual Empowerment Coaching

From AU $220

Personalised coaching and breakthrough sessions tailored to empower women in embracing their sensuality and self-worth.

This one-on-one approach offers a safe and private space for deep self-exploration, addressing individual challenges and goals.

Through these sessions, clients gain tailored strategies and insights to enhance their intimacy, personal growth, and overall wellbeing, leading to a life of joy, confidence, and fulfillment.

Hi there

My name is Kym lawn

Welcome to a space where womanhood, sensuality, and empowerment intertwine. I’m Kym, a passionate advocate for women's self-discovery and pleasure. My journey, inspired by transformative experiences and mentors like Layla Martin, has led me to a profound realisation: true empowerment comes from embracing our sensuality and inner strength.

Through a unique blend of traditional life coaching and energy practices, I guide women to rediscover their vibrant selves. My mission is to help you navigate life's transitions with confidence, reconnect with your sensual self, and embrace joy at every stage of your journey.

Join me in this transformative adventure, and let’s celebrate the power and beauty of being authentically you.

Insights into the coaching process... 

How does your coaching process work?

My coaching process is a holistic journey tailored to each individual. It begins with understanding your unique story and goals. We then work together through a mix of discussions, personalised exercises, and reflective practices. My approach is to guide you in reconnecting with your inner self, particularly in areas of sensuality, self-worth, and emotional resilience. This journey is not just about conversations - it's about experiencing transformative practices that integrate the mind, body, and spirit, leading to profound personal growth and fulfillment.

What makes your coaching style unique and effective?

What sets my coaching style apart is the unique blend of traditional life coaching with energy practices and a focus on sensuality and emotional well-being. This combination creates a powerful synergy that addresses not just the mind, but also the body and spirit. My approach is empathetic, intuitive, and deeply personal, resonating with those who seek a holistic path to empowerment. I draw from a rich background in life experience, energy awareness and my own personal journey, making my coaching deeply relatable and effective.

Who is an ideal candidate for your coaching services?

The ideal candidate for my coaching services is a woman over 25 who is looking to deepen her self-awareness and enhance her life experience. She may be navigating life’s transitions, seeking to reconnect with her desires, or looking for support in cultivating a joyful and empowered life. My coaching is particularly suited for those who are open to exploring their sensuality and embracing their personal growth, all within a safe and supportive environment.

Kym is a masterful Teacher, Workshop Facilitator and Coach with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in a wide range of healing modalities.
I have had the privilege of attending a number of Kym’s certified training courses and workshops in the past in which I have gained many skills and knowledge and have thoroughly enjoyed Kym’s creative spiritual workshops.
Thank you Kym for the support you give and the space you hold for those you teach and work with.


Sound Therapist

Kym is very passionate about helping people on their journey. When I have attened Kym's workshops i found her to be very helpful, and informative. I would deffinatley recommend anyone stuck and needing to move forward to contact Kym.


Workshop Attendee 

More Insights...

What kind of transformation can a client expect from your coaching?

Clients can expect a profound transformation that touches every aspect of their lives. This includes a deeper connection with oneself, a renewed sense of joy and fulfillment, and a significant boost in confidence and self-esteem. Through my coaching, clients learn to embrace their sensuality, build emotional resilience, and cultivate a positive, empowered mindset. They emerge from the process feeling more aligned with their true selves, empowered to make choices that enrich their personal and professional lives

Why should someone unsure about coaching decide to work with you?

If you're unsure about coaching, working with me offers a unique opportunity to explore your potential in a non-judgmental, nurturing space. My coaching is not about imposing a one-size-fits-all solution but about discovering what works best for you. The focus on sensuality, combined with energy practices, provides a fresh perspective that traditional coaching methods may not offer. It's an invitation to not just change, but to transform in a way that honors your individuality and life experiences

Why is coaching so important when it comes to sensuality?

Coaching is vital when it comes to sensuality because it helps break down barriers of shame, societal norms, and self-limiting beliefs that often surround this aspect of our lives. Sensuality is a crucial part of our being that impacts our self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. Through coaching, you can explore and embrace your sensual self in a safe and affirming environment, leading to a more fulfilled and authentic life. It's not just about sensuality; it's about embracing all aspects of your identity with confidence and joy

An immersive journey into personal awakening

free ebook

The Enchanted Path: Rediscover Sensuality

An immersive journey into personal awakening. 

Embark on "The Enchanted Path: Rediscovering Sensuality," an immersive journey that weaves a powerful tale of self-discovery and sensual awakening. Follow the footsteps of Elysian, a woman at the crossroads of midlife, as she finds herself yearning for a connection she's lost—not just with the world, but with herself.


Bororen,  Queensland, Australia.

© Untamed Midlife.  All Rights Reserved

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